8. Main PanelΒΆ
In the central panel, there is a tab section that allows multiple views, including a collapsed menu that reports the possible problems that have been detected on the DDS entities.
The main feature of the Fast DDS Monitor application is to graphically display the data that is being monitored in the Chart View. DDS entities have associated different types of data (so-called DataKind) that could be visualize by configuring a chart. For example, it can be displayed the mean, median and standard deviation latency between two machines (Hosts) running Fast DDS applications for the period of two hours in intervals of ten minutes.
The Fast DDS Monitor can also show the detected entities in a graph. The Domain view would filter all entities that belong to the same DDS Domain, and represent the inheritance of the physical and DDS entities (the DataWriters or DataReaders that belong to a DomainParticipant, the DomainParticipants that run on the same process, the processes that a user is running, and the users that are on a host). Those relations are represented in different boxes that contain the sub-category of entities. Also, the connections between different endpoints that are publishing or subscribed to a Topic are represented with arrows. Those arrows would start from the DataWriter and point to the Topic, or start from the Topic and point to the DataReader (in publication and subscription cases, respectively).
If filtering that graph by Topic, only the entities whose endpoints are publishing in, or subscribed to the selected Topic would be represented in the view.
If there are problems reported by a DDS entity, they are condensed by entity in the bottom layout problem section. Among the problem counter, the problem is described and, in some cases, followed by a link to the documentation.